Exchange Rates:
GBP 125.4358
USD 102.8078
EUR 106.0971
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Booking conditions


You can easily and quickly check the availability of rooms and book a room online. We will send a confirmation code to you (it is recommended to save this code, preferably in print). Additionally you will receive an email with the details of your booking.

In case of cancellation you need a confirmation code as well.

Guaranteed reservations and deposits

We guarantee your reservation, if in your online booking you specify the details of the credit card and make an advance prepayment of the first day of your stay. We accept following payment systems:

  • American Express
  • Diners
  • Visa
  • MasterCard

Cancellation Policy

Free cancellation is made two weeks before the estimated date of arrival. In case of cancellation in less than two weeks before the date of arrival we will charge you a fee of the first day of the stay.

Details of fare, tax and service charges

All the presented fares and taxes are calculated for one apartment and already included in the price.

Credit Card Security

SPb Rentals Apartments ensures the confidentiality of your personal information, ensures not to transfer or sell to third parties any personal information that was transferred to us without prior permission.

SPb Rentals Apartments will not send e-mails to users of the site that are inconsistent with the recipient or are not directly related to products and services that were purchased or information about which was requested by the user.

Your safety is very important to us.

Credit cards

The following payment systems are accepted by SPb Rentals Apartments:

  • American Express
  • JCB
  • MasterCard
  • Visa

Early check-in and late check-out

If you are looking for an apartment in St. Petersburg for daily rent or want to move in for a longer time before the standard check-in time, we recommend you to book the previous night to ensure the availability of your room. Likewise, for late check-out, an additional booking is recommended to ensure the availability of the room before you leave. If you do not want to book extra, we will gladly provide storage services for your luggage.

Prolongation of staying

To prolong the staying you need to make an additional booking, taking into account the availability of rooms and current fares.
