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GBP 111.7059
USD 86.5669
EUR 93.6639
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Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment Four-room apartment

Four-room apartment / Kamennoostrovskyy, 73

Square m: 189

Number of rooms: 4

Number of bathrooms: 2

Living room / kitchen: Yes

Number of floor: 5

Amenities and conditions
  • Concierge: No
  • Washing machine: Yes
  • Fridge: Yes
  • Shower: Yes
  • Bath: Yes
  • Iron: Yes
  • TV: Yes
  • Microwave: Yes
  • Wi-Fi: Yes
  • Air Conditioning: No
  • Dishwasher: Yes
  • Elevator: Yes
  • Hairdryer: Yes
  • Balcony: No
  • Rent cost for 1 month, RUR: 115000RUB
  • Rent: Long term rent

Luxurious apartment with Italian furniture in one of the iconic buildings on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue.


The house was built in the neoclassical style. Nearby scenic spots for walking: Central embankment Neva, Lopukhinsky garden.

Payment can be both in cash and by bank transfer.
