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Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment Three-room apartment

Three-room apartment / emb. Kutuzova, 30

from 6 500 RUR / day

Square m: 120

Number of rooms: 3

Number of guests: 10

Number of bathrooms: 1

Living room / kitchen: Yes

Number of floor: 4

Amenities and conditions
  • Concierge: No
  • Washing machine: Yes
  • Fridge: Yes
  • Shower: Yes
  • Bath: Yes
  • Iron: Yes
  • TV: Yes
  • Microwave: Yes
  • Wi-Fi: Yes
  • Air Conditioning: Yes
  • Dishwasher: Yes
  • Elevator: No
  • Hairdryer: Yes
  • Balcony: No
  • Bedclothes: Yes
  • Maid service on request: Yes
  • Maintenance: Yes
  • Rent: Daily rent

Design 3-room apartment on 30 Kutuzov embankment. House No. 30 on Kutuzov embankment was built in 1768 by a valet, Ivan Vasilyevich Medvedev. He became one of the first in a row of embankment buildings. Medvedev was credited with a considerable debt to the bank, due to which he had to lay down the house of Zakhar Konstantinovich Zotov in 1790. In 1794, the mansion passed into the possession of the court valet Zotov, close to Catherine II.

After Paul I came to power, Zotov finds himself in the casemates of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where he lost his mind. On June 14, 1798, the wife of the owner of the house sold the mansion to the general from infantry Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

Fourteen years of Field Marshal’s life passed in the house on the embankment. On Sunday, August 11 (23), 1812, the entire embankment from the Gagarinsky Quay to the Laundry Bridge was filled with people. At 9 a.m., the commander-in-chief of the Russian army M.I. Kutuzov got into a carriage and drove to the Kazan Cathedral for a solemn prayer service before leaving for the front. He was no longer destined to cross the threshold of his house.

Near the house is the Summer Garden, Field of Mars, Peter and Paul Fortress.
